Film & Print

Rytis Juodeika
Creative Director, BBDO Ukraine
Awards: Silver Cannes Lion, Golden Epica pyramid, Grand Prix ADC (UA), Grand Prix Effie Awards (UA), others.
Jury member: KIAF (UA), Louskachek (CZ), New York Festivals.
Experience: Leo Burnett, Ogilvy, McCann in Lithuania since September, 1997.
Education: philosophy, film studies.
The Ukrainian BBDO shop builder from the times of economic recession, budget cuttings, local currency fallings and snow level growth.
Non smoking Kyiv based pescetarian vegetarian, who has visited Lviv (3 times), Odessa (2 times), Kharkiv (2 times), Gurzuf, Sevastopol and even Chisinau.
Understands Ukrainian. Believes that jury must consider these features:
- real client, not yoga studio;
- real job, not ten half legal posters on the wall in front of the office;
- real work that changes understanding of advertising in a country, not in a festival.