Happy palms
Within 14th Kyiv International
Advertising Festival, All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition and International
children center «Artek» announce the contest for the best creative idea for
advertising campaing of International contest-festival "Happy palms".
Special contests of social thrust become good tradition for KIAF participants. This year Organizing Committee invites creatives to take part in the contest for the best idea of promotion the project (creation conditions for successful adaptation of orphan children in society, further development of abilities, talents, definition of life priorities of children of 9-16 years)
ICC «Artek» established the "Happy palms" contest-festival to help orphan children to get a good education, to find employment, and to be successful in the future. The project is carried out for 600 talented orphan children who come on the festival to Artek. According to the contests results, 35 winners are decided by three directions – education, culture, sports. Winners get certificates on education, trip tickets in the Europe children's centers, valuable presents from patrons and well-known persons of culture and sport.
The main task for future advertising campaigns is to attract as more as possible non-indifferent persons, create a desire to join the project, become friends, patron or project sponsor.
The winners of the contest will receive:
- Prize from ICC«Artek» - 7 days of accommodation in Crimea and participation in Awards Ceremony of «Happy Palms», July, 7
- Prize from AdCoalition - free accreditations for creative command for the 15th KIAF in 2014, and the opportunity to submit 5 entries to any nominations without participation payment.
All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition give 30 % discount for accreditation and 20% discount for submit entries in KIAF, 2014 for all participants of contest (who send entries according to the brief but not become winners).
Your contest entries, please, send in free form to project@adcoalition.org.ua ( Olga Podgorskaya) and festival@adcoalition.org.ua (Kateryna Gubrenko). Deadline is May, 15
results will announce in Lviv, May, 23-25 during 14th KIAF. Special
Jury, Elena Poddubnaya, general director of ICC «Artek» and Maxim Lazebnik, KIAF producer,
will choose the winner.
Download logos for the campaign