Film Craft

Dmitry Sukhanov
managing partner of Toy Pictures studio
Dmitry Sukhanov works in advertising since 1995. During three years he worked in the advertising agency «Bita».
Since 1998 he headed post production-direction of studio. Besides, he was the independent producer of inexpensive film projects and he entered into the creative association "Paravoz Filmz".
In 2001 Dmitry became the producer of Radioactive Film studio. The first Ukrainian branding videos were created with his participation: for Kyivstar (RA Bates Ukraine, 2001), Roshen "Ya yidy dodomu" (Bates, 2002), UMC "Kopejka" (D’Arcy, 2002), etc.
In 2003 Dmitry founded own production studio - Anomaly Film. And it works successfully for the Ukrainian and Russian advertising markets.
In 2009, Anomaly Film is transformed to Toy Pictures. New markets of the European direction (France, Germany, etc.) and CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Georgia) were added to it.
Now it is big studio and it is one of three leaders of the Ukrainian advertising studios of turnover-у.
Dmitry is the managing partner of Toy Pictures studio and the executive producer of many projects.
Only for the last 4 years videos were created for a great number of clients and brands: Konti, Nestle, Lactalis, Kraft, MTS, McDonalds, Beeline, P&G, Megalot, InBev, Carlsberg Group, Submiller, Molson, Efes, Danon, WBD, Mars, Dilmah, Kimberly Clark, The Coca-Cola Company, Megaphone, Sberbank, Metro Group, Chumak, Nasha ryaba, Obolon, Medoff, Jaffa…
Toy Pictures shoots films not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Belarus, Portugal, Italy, the Czech Republic, France, Thailand, Malaysia, Egypt …