Interactive Jury

Alexander Kudryavtsev
Creative director, BrandStudio, Russia
Born in Krasnodar in 1979, studied higher algebra and geometry in KSU. Worked in this speciality just a little and took a great interest in web-design. In 2004 moved to Moscow.
Up to 2007 worked as interactive designer in Actis (now Actis Wunderman) and Zero.
During several months worked as interactive digital director in Rodnaya Rech agency, but very soon realised that he would better turn ideas into projects himself and came back to BrandStudio production which he had left earlier for several months.
Alexander and his team are honoured with 13 FWA, Webby Awards, Golden Hammer, ADC*R gold, Eurobest bronze, 2 ADC*E nominations and number of other awards.