President of the Advertising Campaign Jury is Karina Ogandzhanyan
Karina Ogandzhanyan graduated the Institute of Asian and African countries of Moscow State University of Lomonosov.
In 1988, she entered to the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
Her career started in the marketing department of the company IMC Apple Computers. From 1994 till 1997 she was working in McCann-Erickson. In this company Karina grew from account manager position to the director of Customer Service. Also she was the head of the commercial department of the largest Russian TV - ORT.
In 1998 Karina became the first managing director of TWIGA Advertising agency. And now Karina Ogandzhanyan holds a position of the vice-president of communication group TWIGA.
Campaign Jury evaluates complex advertising projects and will goal on originality of communication idea, realization, complexity and etc. The organising committee will inform later, who will evaluate festival entries together with Karina Ogandzhanyan.
Remember, the deadline is Saturday, 20 April. Harry up to be registered. If you have questions, please write to the Festival organization: Kateryna Gubrenko ( and Olga Podgorskaya ( or call +38 044 490 90 30.
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