Why Lviv and what's going to happen there?
Want to live interesting…? With pleasure? Otherwise, what for? It is good to change periodically daily activities and familiar places, getting new emotions. And it is great, that you could combine your emotions with “industrial necessity”. You can get new knowledge, useful contacts and impressions.
That is why Kyiv festival is not in Kyiv again. And it will be not in shining Odessa.
Lviv.. It is various and very interesting. How does it seem to participants of the 14th KIAF? We'll see! For somebody it will be nice to feel yourself in Western Europe again (or the first time), being in Ukraine. Somebody will visit famous Lviv coffee-houses and restaurants. And for somebody will be difficult to leave chocolate-shops. And at the same time nobody canceled competitive and seminar festival programs…
And now let’s review all Lviv places which will be connected with KIAF directly.
The main Festival location, the place of registration of the participants, workshops, presentations, exhibition of entries, stands, etc. will be in Lviv Palace of Arts, in the heart of the city on Kopernika str. That is not quite clear why this popular exhibition center is named “palace”. It was built in the 90's and now there are numerous Lviv fairs, exhibitions, cinema-displays. But Palais des Festivals in Cannes is also from the same series of “Palaces”.
Lviv Palace of Arts
But that is not about Pototsky Palace which located directly opposite to Palace of Arts. By the way, it could be a good guiding line up to the KIAF location. Pototsky Palace is the residence of an old noble family, and it was built by the example of the French palaces on the banks of Loire. There is interior in King Lui's style XVI and halls for guests' reception with gold, colored marble and paintings. On the second floor of the palace there is a picture gallery, the collection of works by European artists of the 18th century. And in the yard you can walk through the park of miniature castles.
Pototsky Palace
The KIAF Jury will work in the several Lviv hotels. The most remarkable hotel is “George”. It is the most ancient. Its history goes from 1793. A long time ago Jean Paul Sartre, Richard Strauss, Ethel Lilian Voynich were looked at Lviv from the same hotel windows. Onore de Balzak was staying in the hotel “George” three times. KIAF judges will be able to feel yourself as Yury Gagarin or even as Emperor Franz-Joseph. Many of them will live exactly in “George”.
Opening Party Festival, May 23, will be held in the luxurious interiors of the House of Scientists. And it is interesting that Scientists House was built not for scientists, but by order of the horse breeders club. They were playing gambles there. The house was known as “Gerhard's Casino”. We advise to consider front of a building more carefully. It has interesting garniture. Today House of Scientists is the favorite place for a romantic photo shoots, and the famous Lviv dances are performed there. The festival organizers will treat the KIAF participants not only by the Lviv's interiors, but traditional Galician kitchen also.
Scientists House
This year KIAF Award Ceremonies will be fundamentally different than all previous years. Popular hosts of ceremonies, theatre and special decorations won't be this year. We decided to award winners in unusual places which are non-traditional for festival.
The central KIAF events of the second day, May 24, Awards Ceremony and party are scheduled on… stadium. It will be on the modern “Arena Lviv”. It was constructed for the football championship of Europe EURO 2012. We will award winners in the Mediacentre on Ceremony. Party will be held in the stadium restaurant (by the way, the biggest restaurant in Lviv has more than 1700 square metres). Style “sports hi-tech” dictates to have the dishes of European kitchen. Besides we will eating, drinking, dancing and laughing on the stadium, but also… playing football. Follow the program.
Arena Lviv
We thought to hold The Awards Ceremony, May 25 in the hall of the main building of the Lviv National University by Ivan Franko. It is very solemn and ceremonial. There is a motto on the front – Patria e decori civibus educandis. This motto suits to the participants and especially for KIAF winners.
We and Vice-Rector of the University thought so. He agreed lease with us. But, as it has been found that, other members of administration were ranged against it. They voted for refusing in lease to KIAF Ceremony. So we are looking for. But in any case, something solemn and decent we will find. So, follow the program.
Lviv National University by Ivan Franko
Saturday festival evening the KIAF participants will spend in the ancient Lviv atmosphere. The place of execution of final party will be easy to find by the smell of fried meat near old Bernardinskij monastery. There is The First Grill Restaurant of Meat and Justice. The idea of the restaurant is devoted to special mediaeval Lviv rank — the butcher who penalized and looked after for the hussies. Guillotine, rack, chastity belt, waitresses in red garters are the worthy final of 14th KIAF.
The First Grill Restaurant of Meat and Justice