To participate in the KIAF (day and evening programs) as a viewer, you need to be accredited. Badge, which you will get is a pass to all the events KIAF. Submission of entries does not give right to see the events of the Festival.
1. Read about accreditation types and prices :
— “Day Pass” Accreditation includes view of all contest entries on KIAF Exhibition; full program of seminars and workshops; parties, KIAF Award Ceremony — you can choose to pay for any day of KIAF;
— “Full Pass” accreditation allows visiting of all the festival events during 3 days.
2. Register on the festival website.
A few tips:
— Fill in all fields;
— Please check your contact information carefully. It will be used for communication with the Organizing Committee;
— Information you specify in the “Company and position” line will be published on accreditation badges, so please specify only the name of the company (without “”, (), and ownership);
— The account activation details will be sent to you by e-mail after you provide all required information;
— Activate your account by clicking on the link in the email.
3. Choose your type of accreditation:
— Select “Accreditation” in the “Registration menu” field ;
— Choose your accreditation type: “Day Pass” (May, 23/May, 24/May, 25) or “Full Pass”.
4. Identify representatives that will attend KIAF:
— Enter the name of the accredited person;
— Add the name of the company and position of accredited person (as it will be written on the badge);
— Upload the picture of the participant;
— Click “Send”.
5. When the list of accredited participants is formed, please click “Account request” for payment. An invoice will be sent to the contact specified in the registration form by fax or e-mail.
6. After paying the invoice check the festival website for updates.
* Please pay attention: Accreditation is registered to natural person, not legal entity.
Accreditation is an individual and not transferable to another person.
The identification will be carried out by the picture of the participant. Please do not download photos in full-length, with the glasses or group photos. Face should take no less than 50% of the photo.