Outdoor, Radio & Creative Use of Media

Maxim Ponomaryov
CEO, partner, Friends Moscow
He got to advertising in 2004 and became one of 20 trainees of McCann Erickson Russia.
For two years he was working as the younger copywriter only with a brand "MegaFon", and then in 2006 he passed to BBDO Russia. In this agency Maxim worked with global brands (Gillette, Pepsi, Lays, Mercedes-Benz), with interesting local clients (Redds, Inmarko, Ekzo, Zolotoy Standart), with several art directors and two creative directors: Mihai Koliban and Kostya Shipov.
From 2006 to 2011 he received awards from the student festivals (Young Creators, Freshblood), and adults (ADCR, Red Apple, KIAF idea, Golden Hammer, Golden Drum). He is one of the winners of the first issue Wordshop BBDO, Grand Prix winner of Golden Hammer and short-list of Cannes Lions.
In 2010, Maxim and his colleagues created the company - Boroda Project, which is working on their own projects. In 2012 agency Friends Moscow was opened. Among the agency's clients there are large and well-known brands (Martini, Honda, Harley Davidson), and local projects for Russian clients (Pompeya, WOW, UpJet, Addventures, Mail.ru). The agency, takes 4 gold awards on Red Apple for design Martini - Takemehomemachine.
Maxim Ponomarev loves to communicate with the young and talented persons, so he often acts as the lecturer and the judge in different festivals (PORA, Media class, Wordshop). He created the courses MADS together with colleagues. Their graduates have already won some festivals and they are in well-known Russian agencies (McCann, Instinct, Slava).